Sally Vincent’s Diary of Food and Life on a Devon Farm.

  • Our garden’s open again!

    BRAMBLE TORRE GARDEN IS OPEN THIS WEEKEND Here’s a come and join us on Saturday and Sunday between and 6pm. Enjoy the garden and a cream tea all in aid of the National Garden Scheme! GARDEN 14 from Paul Vincent on Vimeo. BRAMBLETORRE June 14th & 15th 2pm-6pm Admission £4  Children Free…

  • Raining Sideways is Ten Years Old!

    Raining Sideways is ten years old; it is ten years since Tom e-mailed me from Tokyo saying “get Techy, Mum, and start a blog”. Needless to say I had no idea what he was talking about, I had never heard the word “blog” and even miss-read techy for tetchy which caused a lot of laughter…

  • Devon Rain

    And still it rains, relentlessly, torrentially day in day out, week after week. We’ve become obsessed with the weather forecast tuning into radio and television at every opportunity, checking our phones, computers, tablets every hour. Low after low swirl across the Atlantic, bringing more and more severe flood warnings, leaving more and more devastation in…

  • Endings and New Beginnings

    “We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time”. T.S. Elliot. The seasons rotate relentlessly, round we go and here we are again. Another year ends; a new year waits in the wings. Endings and new…

  • Tarte au Pomme 2013

    A beautiful warm enchanting summer has drifted into soft golden autumn. The geese have arrived once more flying in perfect squadrons overhead before landing clumsily on the creek just beyond the gate. House martins line up on the telephone wires preparing to leave; my shadow lengthens as I walk across the top fields checking the…

  • Tarte au Pomme

    Tarte au Pomme from Paul Vincent on Vimeo.